Employment Programs
Transitional Employment
Our Clubhouses have worked with local companies to place members on transitional employment jobs at their place of business since 2005. Through the Transitional Employment Program, managed by members and staff together, members are placed in paid, entry-level positions provided by participating companies. These positions are transitional in two ways: first, they let members ease into the world of work with a direct connection to the job; second, members receive job training and job site visits from clubhouse based placement managers. Typically, each placement lasts between six and nine months. The member may then move on to other placements until they are ready for a less supported job.
Supported Employment
Our Clubhouses offer the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Model of Supported Employment. IPS supported employment helps people living with behavioral health conditions work at regular jobs of their choosing. Although variations of supported employment exist, IPS refers to the evidence-based practice of supported employment. Mainstream education and technical training are included as ways to advance career paths. The type of supports offered to members include a full job search, assistance with application forms, resumes, cover letters, mock interviews, and – if needed – items for interviews such as clothing. Once comfortably on the job, employment personnel keep in touch with the member through phone reach out, monthly dinners, and other supports as needed. This type of employment also provides support to the company that may initially be unsure about hiring a member for a regular job.
Independent Employment
Members with prior work experience and/or job related education, skills, and abilities – as well as those who have completed a number of placements through other HERO House NW programs – are encouraged to seek their own jobs. The clubhouse’s employment support helps members prepare resumes plus coaches them in job search and interview techniques. Unlike with Transitional and Supported Employment programs, members go on competitive interviews to get jobs. While members are working, they can continue to call on our Clubhouses for support by phone and through a unit available to working members.